Adding Gstreamer to AOSP

Hi, i am new to gstreamer and android but i am trying something similar to you and facing same issue like you.
I also tried gstreamer prebuilt binaries to AOSP under external/gstreamer* directory in the source tree, this is my Android.bp file under external/gstreamer directory:

cc_prebuilt_library_static {
    name: "libglib",
    strip: {
        none: true,
    vendor: true,
    compile_multilib: "both",
    target: {
        android_x86_64: {
            srcs: ["x86_64/lib/libglib-2.0.a"],
            export_include_dirs: [
        android_x86: {
            srcs: ["x86/lib/libglib-2.0.a"],
            export_include_dirs: [

cc_prebuilt_library_static {
    name: "libgstapp",
    strip: {
        none: true,
    vendor: true,
    compile_multilib: "both",
    target: {
        android_x86_64: {
            srcs: ["x86_64/lib/libgstapp-1.0.a"],
            export_include_dirs: [
        android_x86: {
            srcs: ["x86/lib/libgstapp-1.0.a"],
            export_include_dirs: [

cc_prebuilt_library_static {
    name: "libgstbase",
    strip: {
        none: true,
    vendor: true,
    compile_multilib: "both",
    target: {
        android_x86_64: {
            srcs: ["x86_64/lib/libgstbase-1.0.a"],
            export_include_dirs: [
        android_x86: {
            srcs: ["x86/lib/libgstbase-1.0.a"],
            export_include_dirs: [

cc_prebuilt_library_static {
    name: "libgobject",
    strip: {
        none: true,
    vendor: true,
    compile_multilib: "both",
    target: {
        android_x86_64: {
            srcs: ["x86_64/lib/libgobject-2.0.a"],
            export_include_dirs: [
        android_x86: {
            srcs: ["x86/lib/libgobject-2.0.a"],
            export_include_dirs: [

cc_prebuilt_library_static {
    name: "libffi",
    strip: {
        none: true,
    vendor: true,
    compile_multilib: "both",
    target: {
        android_x86_64: {
            srcs: ["x86_64/lib/libffi.a"],
            export_include_dirs: [
        android_x86: {
            srcs: ["x86/lib/libffi.a"],
            export_include_dirs: [

cc_prebuilt_library_static {
    name: "libintl",
    strip: {
        none: true,
    vendor: true,
    compile_multilib: "both",
    target: {
        android_x86_64: {
            srcs: ["x86_64/lib/libintl.a"],
            export_include_dirs: [
        android_x86: {
            srcs: ["x86/lib/libintl.a"],
            export_include_dirs: [

cc_prebuilt_library_static {
    name: "libgstreamer",
    strip: {
        none: true,
    vendor: true,
    compile_multilib: "both",
    target: {
        android_x86_64: {
            srcs: ["x86_64/lib/libgstreamer-1.0.a"],
            export_include_dirs: [
        android_x86: {
            srcs: ["x86/lib/libgstreamer-1.0.a"],
            export_include_dirs: [
    static_libs: [

cc_prebuilt_library_static {
    name: "libgmodule",
    strip: {
        none: true,
    vendor: true,
    compile_multilib: "both",
    target: {
        android_x86_64: {
            srcs: ["x86_64/lib/libgmodule-2.0.a"],
            export_include_dirs: [
        android_x86: {
            srcs: ["x86/lib/libgmodule-2.0.a"],
            export_include_dirs: [

cc_prebuilt_library_static {
    name: "libgstplugin",
    strip: {
        none: true,
    vendor: true,
    compile_multilib: "both",
    target: {
        android_x86_64: {
            srcs: ["x86_64/lib/gstreamer-1.0/libgstapp.a"],
            export_include_dirs: [
        android_x86: {
            srcs: ["x86/lib/gstreamer-1.0/libgstapp.a"],
            export_include_dirs: [
    static_libs: [

cc_prebuilt_library_static {
    name: "libiconv",
    strip: {
        none: true,
    vendor: true,
    compile_multilib: "both",
    target: {
        android_x86_64: {
            srcs: ["x86_64/lib/libiconv.a"],
            export_include_dirs: [
        android_x86: {
            srcs: ["x86/lib/libiconv.a"],
            export_include_dirs: [

cc_prebuilt_library_static {
    name: "libpcre2",
    strip: {
        none: true,
    vendor: true,
    compile_multilib: "both",
    target: {
        android_x86_64: {
            srcs: ["x86_64/lib/libpcre2-8.a"],
            export_include_dirs: [
        android_x86: {
            srcs: ["x86/lib/libpcre2-8.a"],
            export_include_dirs: [

I am also not able to see plugin linked as this function always returns null in my case:
GstElement* source = gst_element_factory_make("autoaudiosrc", "source");

Please help, as i am new dont know what i am doing wrong here...

Thanks in advance!

And then under this directory device/generic/goldfish/audio i am linking those libraries in this Android.bp file:

// Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package {
    default_applicable_licenses: ["device_generic_goldfish_audio_license"],

// Added automatically by a large-scale-change
// See: http://go/android-license-faq
license {
    name: "device_generic_goldfish_audio_license",
    visibility: [":__subpackages__"],
    license_kinds: [
    license_text: [

cc_library_shared {
    name: "",
    defaults: [""],
    relative_install_path: "hw",
    vendor: true,

cc_defaults {
    name: "",
    vendor: true,
    relative_install_path: "hw",
    defaults: ["hidl_defaults"],
    srcs: [
    shared_libs: [
       // "mygstreamer",
    static_libs: [
    	"libgmodule",   // Added gmodule dependency
        "libiconv",    // Added libiconv dependency
        "libpcre2",    // Added pcre2 dependency
    header_libs: [
    cflags: [
        "-include common/all-versions/VersionMacro.h",

cc_library_shared {
    name: "",
    defaults: [""],
    vintf_fragments: [""],
    shared_libs: [
    cflags: [
        "-include common/all-versions/VersionMacro.h",
    // (see above) loads
    // which loads:
    //  - audio.r_submix.default which provides the r_submix device (b/161485545)
    //  - audio.a2dp.default which provides the a2dp device (b/228804498)
    //  - audio.bluetooth.default which provides the bluetooth device (b/228804498)
    // This should be retired once we don't need to load the
    // deprecated libhardware modules listed above.
    // audio.a2dp.default is not part of the required list as it's already in the
    // generic system image
    required: [

cc_library_shared {
    name: "",
    defaults: [""],
    relative_install_path: "hw",
    vendor: true,

cc_library_shared {
    name: "",
    defaults: [""],
    vintf_fragments: [""],
    shared_libs: [
       // "mygstreamer",
    static_libs: [
    	"libgmodule",   // Added gmodule dependency
        "libiconv",    // Added libiconv dependency
        "libpcre2",    // Added pcre2 dependency
    cflags: [
    // (see above) loads
    // which loads:
    //  - audio.r_submix.default which provides the r_submix device (b/161485545)
    //  - audio.a2dp.default which provides the a2dp device (b/228804498)
    //  - audio.bluetooth.default which provides the bluetooth device (b/228804498)
    // This should be retired once we don't need to load the
    // deprecated libhardware modules listed above.
    // audio.a2dp.default is not part of the required list as it's already in the
    // generic system image
    required: [