OMX Removal from GStreamer 1.24

In GStreamer there are amcviddec-... elements that are created dynamically with the information given from Android MediaCodec. You can use this snippet of code:

GList *decoders = gst_element_factory_list_get_elements(GST_ELEMENT_FACTORY_TYPE_DECODABLE,

// Iterate through the list
for (GList *iter = decoders; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) {
    GstElementFactory *factory = (GstElementFactory *) iter->data;

    // Get the factory name suitable for use in a string pipeline
    const gchar *name = gst_element_get_name(factory);

    // Print the factory name
    g_print("Decoder: %s\n", nam);

This will print a bunch of decoders, but what you are looking for is something that involves your chip. For example, I am using rockchip, so for H265, I would be looking for amcviddec-c2rkhevcdecoder, where rk stands for rockchip. Note that the google or android ones are software decoders.

PS: If you’re looking for H264, another name is AVC.