DISCONT Detected and Not Handled in tsdemux

Gstreamer version : 1.16.2

I am encountering an issue with the following GStreamer pipeline, used for streaming a transport stream and saving it as an MP4 file. The pipeline receives an RTP stream over UDP, depayloads it, parses the transport stream, demuxes it, parses the H.264 video, and muxes it into an MP4 container:

GST_DEBUG=tsdemux:6 GST_DEBUG_FILE=debug.log gst-launch-1.0 \
    udpsrc address=xxx.xxx.xx.xxx port=xxxxx do-timestamp=true timeout=10000000000 buffer-size=0 \
        caps="application/x-rtp, media=(string)video, clock-rate=(int)90000, encoding-name=(string)MP2T, payload=(int)1xx" \
    ! rtpbin name=recv_rtp \
    ! watchdog timeout=300000 \
    ! rtpmp2tdepay \
    ! tsparse set-timestamps=true \
    ! tsdemux \
    ! h264parse \
    ! mp4mux \
    ! filesink location=output.mp4

Observed Logs

I have noticed the following logs related to tsdemux which indicate continuity issues:

0:00:05.318130590 18980 0x7fc4e4004190 LOG                  tsdemux tsdemux.c:2468:gst_ts_demux_queue_data: DISCONT: not storing/pushing
0:00:05.318135280 18980 0x7fc4e4004190 LOG                  tsdemux tsdemux.c:3172:gst_ts_demux_handle_packet: current_size:0, expected_size:0
0:00:05.318141554 18980 0x7fc4e4004190 LOG                  tsdemux tsdemux.c:3158:gst_ts_demux_handle_packet: pid 0x1011 pusi:0, afc:16, cont:4, payload:0x7fc4d00340dc
0:00:05.318146297 18980 0x7fc4e4004190 LOG                  tsdemux tsdemux.c:2404:gst_ts_demux_queue_data: pid: 0x1011 state:3
0:00:05.318150270 18980 0x7fc4e4004190 DEBUG                tsdemux tsdemux.c:2410:gst_ts_demux_queue_data: CONTINUITY: Initialize to 4
0:00:05.318153618 18980 0x7fc4e4004190 LOG                  tsdemux tsdemux.c:2468:gst_ts_demux_queue_data: DISCONT: not storing/pushing
0:00:05.318157991 18980 0x7fc4e4004190 LOG                  tsdemux tsdemux.c:3172:gst_ts_demux_handle_packet: current_size:0, expected_size:0
0:00:05.318163258 18980 0x7fc4e4004190 LOG                  tsdemux tsdemux.c:3158:gst_ts_demux_handle_packet: pid 0x1011 pusi:0, afc:16, cont:5, payload:0x7fc4d0034198
0:00:05.318167582 18980 0x7fc4e4004190 LOG                  tsdemux tsdemux.c:2404:gst_ts_demux_queue_data: pid: 0x1011 state:3
0:00:05.318175371 18980 0x7fc4e4004190 DEBUG                tsdemux tsdemux.c:2410:gst_ts_demux_queue_data: CONTINUITY: Initialize to 5
0:00:05.318179012 18980 0x7fc4e4004190 LOG                  tsdemux tsdemux.c:2468:gst_ts_demux_queue_data: DISCONT: not storing/pushing
0:00:05.318183279 18980 0x7fc4e4004190 LOG                  tsdemux tsdemux.c:3172:gst_ts_demux_handle_packet: current_size:0, expected_size:0
0:00:05.318188564 18980 0x7fc4e4004190 LOG                  tsdemux tsdemux.c:3158:gst_ts_demux_handle_packet: pid 0x1011 pusi:0, afc:16, cont:6, payload:0x7fc4d0034254
0:00:05.318192212 18980 0x7fc4e4004190 LOG                  tsdemux tsdemux.c:2404:gst_ts_demux_queue_data: pid: 0x1011 state:3
0:00:05.318195720 18980 0x7fc4e4004190 DEBUG                tsdemux tsdemux.c:2410:gst_ts_demux_queue_data: CONTINUITY: Initialize to 6
0:00:05.318198765 18980 0x7fc4e4004190 LOG                  tsdemux tsdemux.c:2468:gst_ts_demux_queue_data: DISCONT: not storing/pushing
0:00:05.318202666 18980 0x7fc4e4004190 LOG                  tsdemux tsdemux.c:3172:gst_ts_demux_handle_packet: current_size:0, expected_size:0
0:00:05.318207941 18980 0x7fc4e4004190 LOG                  tsdemux tsdemux.c:3158:gst_ts_demux_handle_packet: pid 0x1011 pusi:0, afc:16, cont:7, payload:0x7fc4d0034310
0:00:05.318211540 18980 0x7fc4e4004190 LOG                  tsdemux tsdemux.c:2404:gst_ts_demux_queue_data: pid: 0x1011 state:3
0:00:05.318214943 18980 0x7fc4e4004190 DEBUG                tsdemux tsdemux.c:2410:gst_ts_demux_queue_data: CONTINUITY: Initialize to 7
0:00:05.318217734 18980 0x7fc4e4004190 LOG                  tsdemux tsdemux.c:2468:gst_ts_demux_queue_data: DISCONT: not storing/pushing
0:00:05.318221536 18980 0x7fc4e4004190 LOG                  tsdemux tsdemux.c:3172:gst_ts_demux_handle_packet: current_size:0, expected_size:0
0:00:05.318264369 18980 0x7fc4e4004190 LOG                  tsdemux tsdemux.c:3158:gst_ts_demux_handle_packet: pid 0x1011 pusi:0, afc:16, cont:8, payload:0x7fc4d0033f64
0:00:05.318268694 18980 0x7fc4e4004190 LOG                  tsdemux tsdemux.c:2404:gst_ts_demux_queue_data: pid: 0x1011 state:3
0:00:05.318271993 18980 0x7fc4e4004190 DEBUG                tsdemux tsdemux.c:2410:gst_ts_demux_queue_data: CONTINUITY: Initialize to 8
0:00:05.318274454 18980 0x7fc4e4004190 LOG                  tsdemux tsdemux.c:2468:gst_ts_demux_queue_data: DISCONT: not storing/pushing
0:00:05.318277731 18980 0x7fc4e4004190 LOG                  tsdemux tsdemux.c:3172:gst_ts_demux_handle_packet: current_size:0, expected_size:0
0:00:05.318282934 18980 0x7fc4e4004190 LOG                  tsdemux tsdemux.c:3158:gst_ts_demux_handle_packet: pid 0x1011 pusi:0, afc:16, cont:9, payload:0x7fc4d0034020
0:00:05.318286557 18980 0x7fc4e4004190 LOG                  tsdemux tsdemux.c:2404:gst_ts_demux_queue_data: pid: 0x1011 state:3
0:00:05.318289751 18980 0x7fc4e4004190 DEBUG                tsdemux tsdemux.c:2410:gst_ts_demux_queue_data: CONTINUITY: Initialize to 9
0:00:05.318292592 18980 0x7fc4e4004190 LOG                  tsdemux tsdemux.c:2468:gst_ts_demux_queue_data: DISCONT: not storing/pushing

tsdemux is frequently encountering packet discontinuities and logging them without storing or pushing the affected data. This seems to be causing the stream to stutter.
The link for the stream video is here.
Could anyone provide guidance on how to resolve these continuity issues? Any hints or steps to troubleshoot and fix this problem would be greatly appreciated.