1.25 does not work (anymore) with my app... something broke in the latest branch

Hi there…
I am running GStreamer 1.24.10 without problems.

Recently I was trying the nightly build of GStreamer because I’m interested in the latest d3d12screencapturesrc features introduced.
I downloaded the 1.25 nightly builds two months ago and everything worked well.

I re-downloaded the nighlty build today and my app does not work anymore.
When I install the nightly build I have “an invalid memory access error” that is pretty hard to debug.
If I install back the 1.24.10 or the two months nightly build it works.

Is there some breaking changes between the latest GStreamer 1.25 nightly and 1.24.x?


You’ll have to provide more information. This is some kind of crash in C code, for which you’ll have to use a native/C debugger to find out where it comes from.

Please do so and create an issue in Gitlab.

opened the issue here:

we can continue there as per your suggestion… thanks.

regarding the C/Debugger
I’m just a gstreamer user via the GStreamer Java binding, this thing will require a lot for me and I don’t even guarantee that I will be able to do it in a reasonable time.

is it helpful if I release an exe that bundles the current nightly build that may help you to reproduce the problem or at least trigger the problem?

If someone running Windows wants to look into it, sure

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I spent a lot of time trying to debug this thing and at the end it was my IDE with some weird env variable set causing the problem.

I noticed the problem once I runned the build on my external CI Pipeline using another environment and it worked.

I feel a bit dumb but this is what it is,
I’m really sorry slomo for the false alarm and thanks for the kind support, I appreciate it.