Assistance Needed for Streaming ZED Camera Video to Web Browser Using GStreamer

Hello GStreamer forums,

I’m a new member and would appreciate your assistance with the following code:

import sys
import numpy as np
import as sl
import cv2
import gi
gi.require_version(‘Gst’, ‘1.0’)
gi.require_version(‘GstRtspServer’, ‘1.0’)
from gi.repository import Gst, GstRtspServer, GObject

def main():
# Create a ZED camera object
zed = sl.Camera()

init = sl.InitParameters()
init.camera_resolution = sl.RESOLUTION.HD720
init.camera_fps = 30

# Open the camera
err =
if err != sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS:

# Set runtime parameters
runtime = sl.RuntimeParameters()

# Image size
image_size = sl.Resolution(1280, 720)
image_size_out = sl.Resolution(1280, 720)

# Create sl.Mat matrices
image_zed = sl.Mat(image_size.width, image_size.height, sl.MAT_TYPE.U8_C4)
image_zed_out = sl.Mat(image_size_out.width, image_size_out.height, sl.MAT_TYPE.U8_C4)

# Configure GStreamer pipeline
out_send = cv2.VideoWriter(
    'appsrc is-live=false ! videoconvert ! video/x-raw,format=YUY2,width=1280,height=720,framerate=30/1 ! '
    'nvvidconv ! nvv4l2h264enc insert-sps-pps=1 bitrate=9000000 ! video/x-h264, '
    'stream-format=byte-stream ! rtph264pay config-interval=1 ! '
    'udpsink host=(ip) port=3000',
    cv2.CAP_GSTREAMER, 0, 30, (1280, 720), True)

if not out_send.isOpened():
    print('VideoWriter not opened')

rtsp_port_num = 3000

# Set up RTSP server
server =
server.props.service = "%d" % rtsp_port_num

codec = "H264"
updsink_port_num = 3000
factory =
    "(udpsrc name=pay0 port=%d buffer-size=524288 caps=\"application/x-rtp, media=video, clock-rate=90000, encoding-name=(string)%s, payload=96 \" )"
    % (updsink_port_num, codec))

server.get_mount_points().add_factory("/ds-test", factory)

# Output RTSP info
print("\n *** Launched RTSP Streaming at rtsp://localhost:%d/ds-test ***\n\n" % rtsp_port_num)

key = ' '
while True:
    err = zed.grab(runtime)

    if err == sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS:
        # Retrieve images
        zed.retrieve_image(image_zed, sl.VIEW.LEFT, sl.MEM.CPU, image_size)
        zed.retrieve_image(image_zed_out, sl.VIEW.LEFT)

        # Convert sl.Mat to numpy array for OpenCV
        image_ocv = image_zed.get_data()
        image_ocv_out = image_zed_out.get_data()

        # Convert RGBA to RGB
        image_RGB = cv2.cvtColor(image_ocv_out, cv2.COLOR_RGBA2RGB)

        # Stream using RTSP
        key = cv2.waitKey(1)


if name == “main”:

I am able to stream the video locally using VLC on another machine over the local network, and the stream works well with a small delay that is currently acceptable. However, my main concern is finding a way to stream the video to a web browser without relying on VLC. I have tried various methods without success, and I would greatly appreciate your guidance to achieve this.

Additional Information:

  1. I need to use the ZED SDK to leverage its depth mapping and other features, so removing it from the code is not an option.
  2. Due to bandwidth limitations, I must use high-efficiency encoding such as H.264.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Is there anyone can help ???

You may have a look to: Stream frame opencv via rtsp using gstreamer c++ - #6 by Honey_Patouceul for an example of RTSP streaming from OpenCV application.

For color, VideoWriter would expect BGR only, so assuming you’re reading RGBA frames from sl, you would convert into BGR instead of RGB with:

image_BGR = cv2.cvtColor(image_ocv_out, cv2.COLOR_RGBA2BGR)

If you want to use NVENC, as writer pipeline you may try:

rtph264_writer = cv2.VideoWriter('appsrc ! video/x-raw,format=BGR ! queue ! videoconvert ! video/x-raw,format=BGRx ! nvvidconv ! nvv4l2h264enc insert-sps-pps=1 insert-vui=1 idrinterval=30 ! queue ! h264parse ! rtph264pay ! udpsink host= port=5004', cv2.CAP_GSTREAMER, 0, float(fps), (w,h))

Mr. Honey_Patouceul , plaese can u check again my case ?

I have already succesfully stream over rtsp. but my concern is here

Recheck this part on topic please

am able to stream the video locally using VLC on another machine over the local network, and the stream works well with a small delay that is currently acceptable. However, my main concern is finding a way to stream the video to a web browser without relying on VLC. I have tried various methods without success, and I would greatly appreciate your guidance to achieve this.

***** I want ur solution involves USING HW ENCODING.