Audio Data Not Captured in Recorded Files on QCS 610 Board

Dear Team,

I hope this message finds you well.

We have encountered an issue while attempting to record audio using the QCS 610 board. Our efforts to capture audio using the ‘gstrmear’ command, employing both ‘alsasrc’ and ‘pulsesrc,’ resulted in the creation of a recording file. However, upon inspection, it appears that the audio data is not present in the generated file. Subsequently, we attempted to utilize “arecord” to capture the audio properly, and the configuration details for this setup are provided in the attached documents.


gst-launch-1.0 pulsesrc volume=10 ! audio/x-raw,format=S16LE,rate=48000,channels=1 !
audioconvert ! avenc_aac ! aacparse ! mpegtsmux ! queue ! filesink location=/data/Audio_AAC.ts

Arecord Configuration:

Audio Record

amixer -c 0 cset iface=MIXER,name='QUIN_MI2S_TX SampleRate' 6
amixer -c 0 cset iface=MIXER,name='QUIN_MI2S_TX Channels' 1
amixer -c 0 cset iface=MIXER,name='QUIN_MI2S_TX Format' 0;
amixer -c 0 cset iface=MIXER,name='MultiMedia2 Mixer QUIN_MI2S_TX' 1
arecord -D hw:0,1 -r 48000 -f S16_LE -c 2 file_name.wav

We kindly request your assistance in investigating this matter and providing a viable solution. Your prompt attention to this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,

any update regarding this?

set stream-format=adts and check.

gst-launch-1.0 pulsesrc volume=10 ! audio/x-raw,format=S16LE,rate=48000,channels=1 !
audioconvert ! avenc_aac ! aacparse ! audio/mpeg, stream-format=adts ! mpegtsmux ! queue ! filesink location=/data/Audio_AAC.ts