Building GStreamer with WebRTCBin support


I managed to build GStreamer 1.24.10 from source on Windows 11 and I enabled WebRTC support. However, at runtime, I realized that some WebRTC dependency plugin is missing (dts and dtls). After adding meson flags to enable these dependency I’m running into openssl missing issue

ERROR: Problem encountered: HLS crypto support library "openssl" not found

Here is my meson configure command for GStreamer with WebRTC support:

meson configure build_dir --prefix=C:\gstreamer --buildtype=release -Dpython=disabled -Dgstreamer:gst_debug=true -Dgpl=enabled -Dgst-plugins-bad:webrtc=enabled -Dgst-plugins-bad:webrtcdsp=enabled -Dgst-plugins-bad:dtls=enabled -Dgst-plugins-bad:dts=enabled -Dgst-plugins-good:hls-crypto=openssl -Dpackage-origin=

Anyone can spot the missing dependencies (meson options) or how to enable openssl support for GStreamer on windows?

Thanks a bunch and Happy New Year!!

GStreamer binary packages for Windows are built using cerbero for what it’s worth, which will build most of the required dependencies as well.

I got past the openssl issue but the prominent issue seems to be not being able to find libdca on Windows.

subprojects\gst-plugins-bad\ext\dts\ ERROR: Problem encountered: DTS plugin enabled, but libdca not found

Why do you need the DTS plugin and have it enabled? You can disable that plugin as it’s not required for webrtcbin usage.