Cannot remove gstreamer1 from Rocky 9.2 (gnome-control-center: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)


Rocky 9.2
gnome-shell --version
GNOME Shell 40.10
NVIDIA drivers 535.113.01 (installed via .run file directly from NVIDIA site)

dnf install gstreamer1
installed gstreamer1-1.22.1-2.el9.x86_64

now I try to remove gstreamer1 via
dnf remove gstreamer1

and i get a huge list of dependencies that will be removed including gnome itself, libreoffice suite, a total of 1189 Packages/Freed space: 4.5 G. What is going on? If I choose yes, it removes the gnome desktop among many others, bricking the host.

If I try to force just removal of gstreamer1 via:
rpm -e --nodeps gstreamer1
I can no longer run gnome-control-center. I get the error:
gnome-control-center: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Only running yum install gstreamer1
again fixes the gnome-control-center issue.

How do I properly uninstall gstreamer1 without breaking my host and/or breaking gnome-control-center? Thank you.

it looks like gstreamer1 is part of the OS and cannot be easily removed. if possible, please confirm whether i am correct. thank you.

gnome-control-center and a lot of other GNOME packages depend on GStreamer. You can’t remove it without breaking them.