I’m building w/ cerbero tag 1.22.5. when rust variant is enabled, it grabs rustup 1.25.2, which grabs rust 1.67.0. The build goes on OK but fails with this error:
14:38:19 -----> Contents of /cerbero-build/logs/build-tools/cargo-c-install.log:
14:38:19 ***** Error running 'bootstrap' command:
14:38:19 Recipe 'cargo-c' failed at the build step 'install'
14:38:19 Command Error: Running ['/cerbero-build/rust/cargo/bin/cargo', 'install', '--path', '/cerbero-build/sources/build-tools/cargo-c-0.9.16', '--root', '/cerbero-build/build-tools', '--verbose', '--offline', '--target', 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', '--target-dir', '/cerbero-build/sources/build-tools/cargo-c-0.9.16/_builddir'] returned 101
14:38:19 Output in logfile /cerbero-build/logs/build-tools/cargo-c-install.log
14:38:19 Running command ['/cerbero-build/rust/cargo/bin/cargo', 'install', '--path', '/cerbero-build/sources/build-tools/cargo-c-0.9.16', '--root', '/cerbero-build/build-tools', '--verbose', '--offline', '--target', 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', '--target-dir', '/cerbero-build/sources/build-tools/cargo-c-0.9.16/_builddir'] in .
14:38:19 Installing cargo-c v0.9.16+cargo-0.68 (/cerbero-build/sources/build-tools/cargo-c-0.9.16)
14:38:19 error: failed to compile `cargo-c v0.9.16+cargo-0.68 (/cerbero-build/sources/build-tools/cargo-c-0.9.16)`, intermediate artifacts can be found at `/cerbero-build/sources/build-tools/cargo-c-0.9.16/_builddir`
14:38:19 Caused by:
14:38:19 package `clap_lex v0.5.1` cannot be built because it requires rustc 1.70.0 or newer, while the currently active rustc version is 1.67.0
14:38:19 Either upgrade to rustc 1.70.0 or newer, or use
14:38:19 cargo update -p clap_lex@0.5.1 --precise ver
14:38:19 where `ver` is the latest version of `clap_lex` supporting rustc 1.67.0
I suspect there’s an overly generous semver for clap_lex.
I don’t know if this is a bug where clap_lex version should be limited to last supported version for 1.67.0 as the help message suggests, or something else went off the rails? Not sure if I should shim in an update to the version somehow?