Compiling a gst-plugins-rs package with local (modified) gstreamer-rs files

I’ve cloned gstreamer-rs and gst-plugins-rs. I’d like to make some changes to both and use them together to build gst-plugin-spotify from gst-plugins-rs. I am able to build a clean checkout of gst-plugins-rs and gstreamer-rs, but when I change gst-plugins-rs/Cargo.toml to point to my local gstreamer-rs clone, I get loads of compile errors. I’m not sure I am using the correct method to do this:

diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml
index ce7dfae8..62af7cd2 100644
--- a/Cargo.toml
+++ b/Cargo.toml
@@ -133,7 +133,8 @@ gtk = { package = "gtk4", git = "", branch = "m
 gdk-wayland = { package = "gdk4-wayland", git = "", branch = "master"}
 gdk-x11 = { package = "gdk4-x11", git = "", branch = "master"}
 gdk-win32 = { package = "gdk4-win32", git = "", branch = "master"}
-gst = { package = "gstreamer", git = "", branch = "main" }
+gst = { package = "gstreamer", path = "../gstreamer-rs/gstreamer" }
 gst-app = { package = "gstreamer-app", git = "", branch = "main" }
 gst-audio = { package = "gstreamer-audio", git = "", branch = "main" }
 gst-base = { package = "gstreamer-base", git = "", branch = "main" }

~/Dev/gst-plugins-rs$ cargo build --package gst-plugin-spotify
Skipping git submodule due to update strategy in .gitmodules
Skipping git submodule due to update strategy in .gitmodules
Skipping git submodule due to update strategy in .gitmodules
Skipping git submodule due to update strategy in .gitmodules
Skipping git submodule due to update strategy in .gitmodules
Skipping git submodule due to update strategy in .gitmodules
Skipping git submodule due to update strategy in .gitmodules
Skipping git submodule due to update strategy in .gitmodules
Skipping git submodule due to update strategy in .gitmodules
Compiling gstreamer v0.22.4 (/home/nicky/Dev/gstreamer-rs/gstreamer)
Compiling gst-plugin-spotify v0.13.0-alpha.1 (/home/nicky/Dev/gst-plugins-rs/audio/spotify)
error[E0659]: ObjectSubclass is ambiguous
→ audio/spotify/src/spotifyaudiosrc/
82 | impl ObjectSubclass for SpotifyAudioSrc {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ambiguous name
= note: ambiguous because of multiple glob imports of a name in the same module
note: ObjectSubclass could refer to the trait imported here
→ audio/spotify/src/spotifyaudiosrc/
17 | use gst::subclass::prelude::;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: consider adding an explicit import of ObjectSubclass to disambiguate
note: ObjectSubclass could also refer to the trait imported here
→ audio/spotify/src/spotifyaudiosrc/
18 | use gst_base::subclass::{base_src::CreateSuccess, prelude::
| ^^^^^^^^^^
= help: consider adding an explicit import of ObjectSubclass to disambiguate

error[E0659]: ObjectImpl is ambiguous
→ audio/spotify/src/spotifyaudiosrc/
89 | impl ObjectImpl for SpotifyAudioSrc {
| ^^^^^^^^^^ ambiguous name
= note: ambiguous because of multiple glob imports of a name in the same module
note: ObjectImpl could refer to the trait imported here
→ audio/spotify/src/spotifyaudiosrc/
17 | use gst::subclass::prelude::*;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: consider adding an explicit import of ObjectImpl to disambiguate

etc etc etc.

I’ve tried the main branch of gstreamer-rs and also tried switching to the 0.22 (shown above) but I get the same problem. What am I doing wrong here?

That happens because now you pull in two versions of the gstreamer crate: one from your local path, and one indirectly via e.g. gstreamer-audio from the original path.

Check the cargo docs for how to do this correctly.

I tried the exact same thing using patch and got the same failure. Am I supposed to specify the local path for every single one of the gstreamer-rs packages? That worked but seems clunky.

I’ve (re)read the docs and to be honest I don’t understand why doing this via a new [patch] section is considered more correct than modifying the existing [workspace.dependencies] section. Either way I am messing around with my Cargo.toml, but I’m no expert and I’ll go along with it. I just want it to work so I can get on.

It seems my actual problem was I also needed to point the gstreamer-base package to point to my local copy. Just doing the one package I changed wasn’t enough, but adding -base also is. For some reason, I couldn’t use gst = and gst-base = like in the [workspace.dependencies] section, it had to be gstreamer = and gstreamer-base =. I’ve no idea why. None of this is very obvious but these are Rust language issues.

gstreamer = {path = "../gstreamer-rs/gstreamer" }
gstreamer-base = {path = "../gstreamer-rs/gstreamer-base" }

Maybe a better way is to create a gst-plugins-rs/.cargo/config.toml containing just my patch section. Although I still have to make sure I don’t add that new file by accident when working (or ignore it).#

I can move that .cargo/config.toml into the parent directory (and use absolute paths for sanity) so it’s not tracked by the gst-plugins-rs git repo. So that’s nice, until I forget I’ve done this and wonder why I can’t get the latest version.

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Yes, you need to list all of them unfortunately. I’m not aware of another solution to this and it’s a bit annoying whenever I need it :slight_smile: Maybe you want to bring that up in the cargo issue tracker on github in case a more convenient solution can be found.

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It’s a real mess what they’ve got to be honest. Turns out, any features you specify in your [patch] section are silently (!!) ignored and you must edit the original [dependencies] section to make those sorts of changes. This bug has existed in some form or another since 2016. I can’t find the documentation for this but there are a bunch of bug reports, none of which solving anything. Why they’d introduce a mechanism that only half works I have no idea… In this case, I think probably better off just editing the original [dependencies] section so it’s all in one place.

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