I’m looking to create rust bindings for gstreamer-mse.
As far as I can see, there are no bindings for gstreamer plugins in gstreamer/gstreamer-rs.
So, I have a few questions:
Should bindings for plugins go in the gstreamer/gstreamer-rs repository? If not, where else would they live?
What is the usual process for adding new rust bindings? I couldn’t find any docs. Do I need to add the mse gir file to gstreamer/gir-files-rsand then generate bindings with gir?
Hi, I believe it should go in the gstreamer-rs repository, the same for any other C library inside gstreamer. The instructions to make Rust bindings for GObject/GIR libraries are located at Introduction - Generate Rust bindings for GIR based libraries . I’ll see how well they work for this library and if it works, I’ll create a merge request.