Dependency conflicts with first app (C#, Net 8) VS2022 build

The following NuGet packages are installed on Win10 platform:

  1. gstreamer-sharp-netcore 0.0.8
  2. GLibSharp
  3. GtkSharp

Apart from several other errors raised when attempting build, assistance is needed to overcome dependency conflict NU1605 when attempting to regress GLibSharp to version, in response to the following error:

|Error (active)|CS0012|The type 'InitiallyUnowned' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'GLibSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.|ConsoleApp4|G:\CodeDev\CsharpProjects\ConsoleApp4\ConsoleApp4\Program.cs|36|||

Line 36 code throwing the error:

_pipeline = (Pipeline)Parse.Launch(pipelineDescription);

For further perusal, the entire code (proposed by chatGPT as a simple C# Gstreamer player) follows:

using System;
using Gtk;
using Gst;  // GStreamer binding for C#
using GLib;

public class MainWindow : Window
    private VideoWidget _videoWidget;
    private Pipeline _pipeline;

    public MainWindow() : base("GStreamer IP Stream Example")
        // Initialize GTK window
        SetDefaultSize(800, 600);

        // Create a video display widget for GStreamer
        _videoWidget = new VideoWidget();

        // Initialize GStreamer and start streaming

    private void GStreamerInit()
        // Initialize GStreamer

        // Replace this with your IP stream URL (RTSP/HTTP/etc.)
        string ipStreamUrl = "rtsp://your_ip_media_stream";

        // Create GStreamer pipeline
        string pipelineDescription = $"playbin uri={ipStreamUrl}";
        _pipeline = (Pipeline)Parse.Launch(pipelineDescription);

        // Set the widget's window handle as the output for the video
        Element videoSink = _pipeline.GetByName("video-sink");
        if (videoSink is not null && videoSink is Gst.Video.VideoSink gstVideoSink)
            gstVideoSink.WindowHandle = _videoWidget.GdkWindow.Handle;

        // Start playing the stream

    protected override bool OnDeleteEvent(Gdk.Event ev)
        // Clean up on close
        return true;

    public static void Main(string[] args)
        // Initialize GTK

        // Initialize GStreamer
        Gst.Application.Init(ref args);

        // Create and run the main application window
        MainWindow win = new MainWindow();

public class VideoWidget : DrawingArea
    // Video widget class that will display the GStreamer video output

Having applied the Electron platform to limited video processing for an app released under Windows and MacOS, I trust this hurdle will be easily overcome with Gstreamer/Gtk/GLib familiarity.

Since MS NuGetSolver does not resolve this case, guidance will be appreciated.