Flutter gtreamer integration

Hey, I am trying to write a flutter integration with gstreamer.
The options to render “native” stuff in flutter are

  1. Pass a pixel buffer pointer (from the RAM) to flutter which will then do the magic and create an opengl texture out of it. This is a convenience helper AFAICT.
  2. draw using OpenGL yourself.
  3. There is the new Impller engine which uses vulkan.

I would love to hear what you think would be the best path.
This is what I think (respectively):

  1. totally possible although IDRK how to get a videoframe pixels though this is probably doable.
  2. I think this would be ideal, but only if gstreamer already stores decoded videos on the GPU, otherwise it would be the same as 1. (seems like gtk4 integration does this)
  3. The Impeller is not fully cross-platform yet so I ditched that.