Glibconfig.hbno such file msvc

I’m stuck in the mud in an utterly alien landscape; I’m trying to use windows!
I installed windows 10 and followed
gst-launch-1.0 works.
I’m trying to compile tutorial-1
I get glibconfig.h not found. Gooogling suggests it is in the wrong place, but it is not, it is not there (or search in windows behaves funny)
Someone of you folk must have installed in windows. How do I proceed? Is a linux version of glibconfig.h the same?

I see search is indeed funny! the file is in lib/glib-2.0/include/glibconfig.h
I copied it to the glib include path. Next to fight the linker: gobject-2.0

You should probably be getting include paths and linker flags via pkg-config somehow?

Thanks. I’m learning how to bypass the GUI. make and pkg-config are trusted friends! But I found the file, even though search did not. I repeat an-alien-landscape