Thanks for your nice project streamer good and very low latency for me,
I send camera flux from multiples raspberrys to my windows PC.
So GStreamer working good i can show the stream with gst-launcher or catch it on opencv2 (cv2.CAP_GSTREAMER) easily.
So now i want to emulate the received stream flux on my windows PC as virtuals webcams (so obs can do that with one webcam, or multiples but heavy method) , can i emulate multiple webcams on my windows pc many virtuals cameras from each raspebrry to my pc on Windows ?
I see one project talk of pyvirtualcam but seem only use one camera (use obs or unity virtual cam adaptator)
For exemple
raspberry1 cam1 GStreamer sender => GStreamer receiver MyPC Windows 10 => VirtCam 1
raspberry2 cam2 GStreamer sender => GStreamer receiver MyPCWindows 10 => VirtCam 2
Thanks in advance.