Hi, I’m new to GStreamer and I’m trying to do a simple mp4 file → autovideosink example.
The pipeline is: filesrc ! qtdemux ! h264parse ! autovideosink.
I know I have to handle the qtdemux automatic src pad, and connect it to h264parse sink pad, but for some reason, the sink pad loses its capability when I start the pipeline.
Here’s the code:
// Setup elements //
let source = ElementFactory::make("videotestsrc")
let source2 = ElementFactory::make("filesrc")
let demux = ElementFactory::make("qtdemux")
let parse = ElementFactory::make("h264parse")
println!("OUTSIDE PAD ADDED Parse sink {:?}", parse.static_pad("sink").unwrap().query_caps(None));
let sink = ElementFactory::make("autovideosink")
// Create pipeline //
let pipeline = Pipeline::with_name("main");
// Build the pipeline //
pipeline.add_many([&source2, &demux, &parse, &sink])?;
let parser_sink_pad = parse.static_pad("sink").unwrap();
// Set dynamic links //
demux.connect_pad_added(move |src, src_pad|
println!("Received new pad {} from {}", src_pad.name(), src.name());
if parser_sink_pad.is_linked()
println!("Parse pad is already linked");
println!("Connecting pad");
match src_pad.link(&parser_sink_pad)
Ok(_) => {},
Err(e) => { println!("Error linking pad, {}", e); }
source2.set_property("location", uri);
/// Bus stuff //
Can someone show me what I did wrong?
Thanks in advance!