How do you multiplex a teletext stream in with video and audio with mpegtsmux?

Hello GStreamer’s,
I’ve been using mpegtsmux for a few years now for video and audio muxing however, I have a need to mux a teletext stream similar to subtitling.
Has anyone successfully multiplexed teletext in with a video and audio source?

If so how did you prepare the source? there is caps for teletext and a function to prepare the PES subpicture/x-dvb; application/x-teletext; meta/x-klv, parsed=true

The function “mpegtsmux_ttxt.c” to prepare the PES therefore I’m satisfised muxing teletext and subpicture (subtitles) can be done.
Here’s what the function achieves: -

/* from EN 300 472 spec: ITU-R System B Teletext in DVB

  • PES packet = PES header + PES payload data
  • where PES header must be fixed at 45 bytes (likely by using PES stuffing)
  • PES packet must completely fill an integral number of TS packets
  • using (184 bytes) payload data only (so no adaptation field stuffing)

Happy to use what you have and for anyone to advise what to do?


Use the application/x-teletext caps to create pad to the mux into mpegtsmux is broken? assumes it subtitles and assigns the wrong PES descriptor for it.

Can anyone confirm?

What are the caps of the stream you are trying to mux ? We don’t have any element in gstreamer that can actually generate teletext

Hi @bilboed
I understand there isn’t and element and are able to use appsrc to pass the data in gstreamer.
The issue is using mpegtsmux and the caps application/x-teletext, mpegtsmux treats it as subtitles and assigned it incorrectly.

How do I raise a bug in mpegtsmux?