How to use RTSP server to stream h264 video files with the fastest frame rate possible

I’m trying to stream a file with rtsp protocol using gstreamer rtsp server.

GMainLoop *loop;
GstRTSPServer *server;
GstRTSPMountPoints *mounts;
GstRTSPMediaFactory *factory;

gst_init(&argc, &argv);
loop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE);
server = gst_rtsp_server_new();
mounts = gst_rtsp_server_get_mount_points(server);
g_object_set(server, "service", "3000", NULL);
gst_rtsp_server_set_address(server, "");
factory = gst_rtsp_media_factory_new();
gst_rtsp_media_factory_set_launch(factory, "( uridecodebin uri=file:///<location_on_desk> ! caps=video/x-h264 ! h264parse config-interval=-1  ! rtph264pay name=pay0 pt=96 )");
gst_rtsp_media_factory_set_shared(factory, false);

/* attach the test factory to the /test url */
gst_rtsp_mount_points_add_factory(mounts, "/test", factory);

/* don't need the ref to the mapper anymore */

/* attach the server to the default maincontext */
if (gst_rtsp_server_attach(server, NULL) == 0) goto failed;

/* add a timeout for the session cleanup */
g_timeout_add_seconds(30, (GSourceFunc)timeout, server);

/* start serving, this never stops */
g_print("stream ready at rtsp://\n");

the RTSP stream server works. However, I want to be able to play the stream as fast as possible like if I’m using a sink with sync property set to false.

I tried using

gst_rtsp_media_factory_set_clock(factory, NULL);

but no visual effect on the displayed stream