Issue with audiorate

audiorate element is not working. It is working only when in and out rates are same.

Version: 1.22.6
gst-launch-1.0 audiotestsrc ! audio/x-raw, rate=44100 ! audiorate ! audio/x-raw, rate=48000 ! checksumsink

0:00:00.017624759 49431 0x55779ae5cf80 ERROR GST_PIPELINE subprojects/gstreamer/gst/parse/grammar.y:1068:gst_parse_perform_link: could not link audiorate0 to checksumsink0, audiorate0 can’t handle caps audio/x-raw, rate=(int)48000
WARNING: erroneous pipeline: could not link audiorate0 to checksumsink0, audiorate0 can’t handle caps audio/x-raw, rate=(int)48000

It’s my mistake. audioresample should be used instead of audiorate.

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