V4l2 stateless API support?

The Raspberry PI 5 and 4B apparently support HEVC decoding in GPU using “v4l2 stateless API”

Apparently ffmpeg (at least version supplied with R Pi OS) has built in support.

since gstreamer-libav is a wrapper for ffmpeg that suggests it might be possible to to get this working through gstreamer, if it doesnt do it already.

Any thoughts or advice?

EDIT: information on the R Pi addition to ffmpeg (that uses stateless v4l2) can be found here: please identify where to find the stateless v4l2 code here? · Issue #94 · jc-kynesim/rpi-ffmpeg · GitHub


The v4l2 elements already support that. No need to go through ffmpeg

To add to add: as part of the v4l2codecs plugin from gst-plugins-bad, not the v4l2 plugin from gst-plugins-good.

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Thanks for the clarification!