Visual studio installer including gstreamer install

I’ve written an app in C++ in Visual Studio which uses gstreamer. All good. In the visual studio project I created an installer so I can generate a setup.exe/msi binary to distribute my app to other users. In the installer I included the gstreamer runtime installer msi, but how do I automatically get my installer to run the gstreamer msi? I’ve read the “Windows deployment” section in the gstreamer documentation which says use “msiexec” but I can’t figure out how to run msiexec from my installer. I appreciate this isn’t exactly a gstreamer question as such, but it’s related and I’m sure some of you out there will have had to do this…

If there’s a better way to do this then advice is always welcome. Basically, I want to produce a setup.exe for my project which also includes the gstreamer setup, so the user doesn’t have to worry about anything other than just clicking on my “setup.exe”…

Many thanks in advance,

I use nsis installer and my gstreamer install function is as follows:
Function gstreamerInstall
SetOutPath “$INSTDIR\bin\gstreamer\bin”
File /a /r “${cotsFolder}\gstreamer${REQ_GSTREAMER_VERSION}\1.0\msvc_x86_64\bin*.dll”
File /a /r “${cotsFolder}\gstreamer${REQ_GSTREAMER_VERSION}\1.0\msvc_x86_64\bin\gst-launch-1.0.exe”
File /a /r “${cotsFolder}\gstreamer${REQ_GSTREAMER_VERSION}\1.0\msvc_x86_64\bin\gst-inspect-1.0.exe”
File /a /r “${cotsFolder}\gstreamer${REQ_GSTREAMER_VERSION}\1.0\msvc_x86_64\bin\gst-play-1.0.exe”
SetOutPath “$INSTDIR\bin\gstreamer\etc”
File /a /r “${cotsFolder}\gstreamer${REQ_GSTREAMER_VERSION}\1.0\msvc_x86_64\etc”
SetOutPath “$INSTDIR\bin\gstreamer\lib\gio\modules”
File /a /r “${cotsFolder}\gstreamer${REQ_GSTREAMER_VERSION}\1.0\msvc_x86_64\lib\gio\modules\gioopenssl.dll”
SetOutPath “$INSTDIR\bin\gstreamer\lib\gstreamer-1.0”
File /a /r “${cotsFolder}\gstreamer${REQ_GSTREAMER_VERSION}\1.0\msvc_x86_64\lib\gstreamer-1.0*.dll”
SetOutPath “$INSTDIR\bin”

${LogText} "Gstreamer installed with return code: $0"
EnVar::AddValue "Path" "C:\abc\gstreamer\bin"
Pop $0
DetailPrint "EnVar::AddValue returned=|$0|"
${LogText} "Gstreamer added to path with return code: $0"


Basically copy the files and then add the copied bin directory to path

Many thanks for the reply; much appreciated.

I’ve never used nsis before so I’ll try it. I haven’t a clue how to implement your instructions however…

  • copy the files to where? Which files?
  • Add the copied bin directory to path? Is this a manual step after installation?
  • Do I need to substitute REQ_GSTREAMER_VERSION to something meaningful?
  • Do I need to substitute the cotsFolder text to something meaningful?
  • How to add the above function to nsis along with my zip file?

Basically, I’m a complete noob in this area, so looks like I will have to do a fair amount of reading to understand it. And I don’t expect you to spoon-feed me step by step instructions (you can if you want though ;)), but thanks for pointing me in the right direction…

I install gstreamer runtime and developer msi’s into ${cotsFolder}\gstreamer${REQ_GSTREAMER_VERSION}\ on my computer so thats where the File command is copying the files into my program’s setup.

  1. copy the files into your program installation directory:
    command is : File /a /r “${cotsFolder}\gstreamer${REQ_GSTREAMER_VERSION}\1.0\msvc_x86_64\bin*.dll” ->all dll files in gstreamer bin directory. other File commands are similar…
  2. NSIS command for adding the gstreamer bin directory to path: EnVar::SetHKLM
    EnVar::AddValue “Path” “C:\abc\gstreamer\bin”

Basically my setup doesn't install gstreamer via msi, just dlls and some other files into a custom directory and adds custom bin directory to path.

I never used visual studio installer but I'm guessing similar functionality can be achieved with it too..
I hope that is clear now..

Many thanks,
I’ve started to have a play with it, and it’s beginning to make sense.
Appreciate your help!